Employment & Labor Departments by State
While Federal Department of Labor Laws allow for children of any age to work in their parents’ business as long as the work isn’t hazardous; State laws may vary.
It’s always recommended to check your specific late to see if any labor laws or state taxes will able to employing your children.
AL Alabama Department of Labor
AK Alaska Departmetn of Labor and Workforce Development
AZ Arizona Labor Department
AR Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing
CA California Labor and Workforce
CO Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
CT Connecticut Department of Labor
DE Delaware Department of Labor
DC DC Department of Employment
FL Florida Department of Labor
GA Georgia Department of Labor
HI Hawaii Department of Labor and Industry
ID Idaho Department of Labor
IL Illonois Department of Labor
IN Indiana Department of Labor
IA Iowa Divison of Labor
KS Kansas Department of Labor
KY Kentucky Labor Cabinet
LA Louisiana WOrkforce Commission
ME Maine Department of Labor
MD Maryland Department of Labor
MA Maine Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Dev.
MI Michigan Labor and Economic Opportunity
MN Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
MS Mississippi Department of Employment
MO Missouri Department of Labor
MT Montana Department of Labor & Industry
NE Nebraska Department of Labor
NV Labor Commissioner of Nevada
NH New Hampshire Department of Labor
NJ New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce
NM New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
NY New York State Department of Labor
NC North Carolina Department of Labor
ND North Dakota Department of Labor and Human Rights
OH Ohio Department of Labor Law
OK Oklahoma Department of Labor
OR Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries
PA Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industries
RI Rhode Island Department of Labor
SC South Carolina Department of Labor
SD South Dakota Department of Labor
TN Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Developement
TX Texas Workforce Commission
UT Utah Labor Commission
VT Vermont Department of Labor
VA Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
WA Washington Labor and Industries
WV West Virginia Department of Labor
WI Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
WY Wyoming Department of Workeforce Services