Employee Forms

In the United States, there are several documents that are typically required for an employee. These include:

  1. I-9 Form: This form is used to verify an employee's identity and work eligibility in the United States. Employers are required to have a completed I-9 form on file for all employees.

  2. W-4 Form: This form is used to determine the amount of federal income tax that should be withheld from an employee's pay. Employees are required to fill out a W-4 form when they are hired and may need to update it periodically.

  3. W-2 Form: This form is issued annually to the employee to show wages for the year. Although the child has no filing requirement it’s still a best practice for you as the employer to file all required forms. Especially if also funding a Roth IRA you’ll want to ensure your payroll provider issues a W2

  4. State Tax Forms: Depending on the state where the employee works, they may be required to fill out additional forms to determine state income tax withholding.

  5. Direct deposit form: This form is used to set up direct deposit of an employee's paychecks into their bank account. Setting up a custodial bank account for your children’s earnings to be deposited into is a great idea.

  6. Employment Contract: A contract that detailst he Job title, description and wages at a minimum to property document the position.

  7. Time-Cards: Some type of time tracking system to ensure they are being paid for their correct hours worked.


Tax Entities


Why your Child should have a Roth IRA